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This Script Allows you to Change your Model to Anyother Using the Kiddions Mod Menu.
This Currently Works with Kiddions Mod Menu 1.0.1 Which Models are Also Included this Changes the Models of Yourself Without Interferring with character Stats.
- Support Anti-Cheat BE (Bypassed)
- Added Sea Models
- Added Animals - Black Panther, Lion, Cow Etc
- Updated with New Models for 1.69 DLC
- Supports Multi Character 1 and 2
- Extract the Script to your Kiddions Scripts Location Open Kiddions Scripts Folder in Windows
- Copy the Downloaded Script to your
- Place the Extracted Script into that Location
- Open GTA 5 and Open Menu Settings and Select Reload Scripts go to Scripts you will be able to see
"Model - Changer"
Select What Model your looking for and hit the delay to 0.2 and hit the Moddel to see the Changes
Credits to #Kiddion,UC BBTheB Sharing the Script and Globals with us thanks for sharing with us in the Forum
This is offered for free, but it’s a lot to maintain. If you want to support my work through a small donation the following PayPal destination can be used:
We do not intent to infringe any intellectual right artist right or copyright. If you feel any of the content posted here is under your ownership just contact us and we will remove that content immediately. Or if you require a suitable credit please let us know. Scripts or Menus and any other information presented on this site is intended only to familiarize users with the materials that may be of interest to them..
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